President Donald Trump decided to pull back from key positions in Northern Syria. The White House already communicated this to all the commanders in the Middle East as well as a formal message sent to Turkey’s President, Erdogan. This move creates a lot of tension with the Kurdish movement which is strongly opposed to the “dictatorial” ruling of Erdogan. For many GOP members … Trump is making a big mistake? Who decided to withdraw at least 1,000 soldiers from this area?


The presence of American troops in this part of the Middle East, was supposed to be in response to the big operation looking forward to eliminate ISIS from the area. But at the same time, while many different forces fought “together” for this common goal, most of them had different views of the future. Apart from the SDF or FSA against Al-Assad’s army, the Kurdish rebels took control of main areas with the help of U.S. troops.

This established a big conflict between Trump and Erdogan as he “blames” for all his problems to the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) associated with multiple terrorist attacks in Turkey. The United States always supported the Kurdish cause but now … with this movement Trump is shifting the White House’s Foreign Policy to a territory that is not supported by most of the GOP. Why? Turkey will be able to go deep into Kurdish territory and probably, take over in a violent move. At the same time: Is this also opening a chance to new ISIS leaders and Al-Qaeda’s rebirth? (US Leaves Afghanistan And Also Syria?)


According to CBS NEWS, the SDF release a very hard message to Erdogan regarding the possibility of an incursion that will try to push Kurds from the border region east of the Euphrates River.

“We will not hesitate to turn any unprovoked attack by Turkey into an all-out war on the entire border to DEFEND ourselves and our people,” SDF spokesman Mustafa said last Saturday. 

This incoming violence is only the beginning of the problems. Trump is already dealing with this decision and his supporters. Early polls show (also in the past regarding Iraq’s situation) a decrease of the support to the President from his own base directly related to his Foreign Policy decisions.

Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina, a stronghold for the GOP and key figure for the President tweeted about his decision :


If Donald Trump keeps changing his tone over the Middle East, his base followers will start to hesitate about his promises regarding this region as well as Iran, North Korea, China, etc. If the President loses support from his base, polls will reflect this and it will also become a problem if an Impeachment advances to the Senate. Why? Many Republicans (23) have to be re-elected or put their seats up to election … Is Trump’s erratic Foreign Policy helping him? What do you think?