Charles Kupperman, former deputy national security adviser for Donald Trump’s administration defied a congressional subpoena today as he did not appear for a closed-door presentation before the House impeachment process. Why?


1 – Kupperman was probably advised not to talk. His testimony might complicate Trump’s situation and he can become the target of many of the most radical GOP followers.

2 – House Intelligence Chairman, Adam Schiff, who is being constantly harassed by Donald Trump declared regarding this situation: “We are not willing to allow the White House to engage us in a lengthy game of rope-a-dope in the courts”. Why did he say this?

3 – The White House strategy is to fight this entire process in court. Trump’s main advisors believe that the GOP has more power in the justice system than in the Congress so taking this to court will make this process extend for months reaching 2020 Elections without an impeachment process confirmed.

4 – At the same time, Democratic establishment in DC are getting ready to push every single judge related to these challenges so they will “feel the social pressure” to make a fast resolution. Is this possible? Well, Democrats believe that their power is public opinion. And we have to see how Al-Baghdadi’s (ISIS Gets Ready To Announce New Leader As Trump Takes Advantage Of Al-Baghdadi’s Death) death affects or not Donald Trump’s image regarding his very likely impeachment.

1 – Kupperman is trying to escape this situation by filing a lawsuit asking a judge to rule whether he has to comply with the subpoena as he believes the inquiry is illegitimate.
2 – Under oath, the former advisor will have to explain many things. He served under John Bolton and now both of them share the same lawyer. For Democrats, Kupperman might be able to corroborate many of the “scenarios” explained by the “whistleblower”. How much do Kupperman and Bolton know about the Ukraine scandal? What about Hungary, Australia and the UK? Is there another main country involved in this? 
3 – If they are being pressured by the White House this might escalate to a bigger problem as Democrats already communicated that “If they do not comply, they will be cited in the impeachment articles”. While relying on the courts that will handle these cases is risky, it is true that both Kupperman and Bolton do not want their careers to be “stained” by Trump’s image.